Asbestos & Lead Testing

Let Us Inspect and Test for Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint

There is a risk of lead and asbestos contamination in older homes and properties in the Warwick, RI area. You should consider getting a lead and asbestos inspection before buying an older house, condo, or unit in a building built before 1980. At your request, Restoration ASAP will perform thorough lead and asbestos testing services. 

Lead and asbestos are both carcinogens, meaning that they can harm living things over time. A professional with the necessary training and equipment is the only person who can guarantee that a home is free of these toxic and poisonous compounds.

Removing Asbestos on the Wall — Warwick, RI — Restoration ASAP

What is Asbestos, and Where Can It Be Found?

Most homeowners do not understand asbestos and do not realize how common the use of asbestos was and actually still is. While the importation of asbestos was halted in the late 70’s, asbestos was still being sold on the shelves all across the United States for many years thereafter. This means that if your home was built before then, you may have asbestos and not even know about it. Asbestos can be found throughout both residential and commercial properties, but is most commonly found in popcorn ceilings, roofing, wall insulation and pipe insulation. 

The good news is asbestos isn’t harmful until it starts to break down and fibers enter the air, and you breathe it in (or swallow it). The more exposure you have to asbestos the more likely you are to develop a serious illness. Asbestos should be removed by certified technicians so it can be disposed properly.

Why wait any longer? Request an asbestos and lead testing at (401) 647-ASAP!

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